Advanced Solr plugin configuration¶
Querqy configuration has changed in an incompatible way with the introduction of Querqy v5 for Solr. Make sure to follow the documentation for your Querqy version below. See here for detailed information about changes and a migration guide to Querqy 5 for Solr
In the installation section you have already seen how
to set up the Querqy query parser and the Querqy query component in
Querqy 5
Add the Querqy request handler.
<requestHandler name="/querqy/rewriter" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyRewriterRequestHandler" />
Add the Querqy query parser.
<queryParser name="querqy" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyDismaxQParserPlugin"/>
Override the default QueryComponent.
<searchComponent name="query" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyQueryComponent"/>
Querqy 4
Add the Querqy query parser.
<queryParser name="querqy" class="querqy.solr.DefaultQuerqyDismaxQParserPlugin"/>
Override the default QueryComponent.
<searchComponent name="query" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyQueryComponent"/>
This section will explain additional configuration options:
Define how to deal with undefined rewriters in the rewrite chain (Querqy 5)
The term query cache that avoids building Lucene queries for sub-queries created in query rewriting that never match in specific fields
The info logging for query rewriters
The parser for the user query string
Changing the rewriter request handler path (Querqy 5)
Configuring how rewriter definitions are stored in ZooKeeper
Dealing with undefined rewriters in the rewrite chain (Querqy 5)¶
In Querqy 5 the rewriter chain is passed as a list of rewriter IDs in a request parameter:
where each rewriter ID references a previously defined rewriter configuration.
You can use the skipUnknownRewriters
property of the query parser plugin
to define what should happen if no rewriter configuration can be found for a
given rewriter ID that was passed in querqy.rewriters
1<queryParser name="querqy" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyDismaxQParserPlugin">
2 <bool name="skipUnknownRewriters">true</bool>
If ‘skipUnknownRewriters’ is set to true
, the missing rewriter is ignored
and the rewrite chain will be processed as if this rewriter weren’t part of it.
A warning will be issued to the log file. If it is set to false
Solr will reply with a ‘400 Bad Request’ response, which is also the default
behaviour when the ‘skipUnknownRewriters’ is not configured.
Term query cache¶
When you configure rewriting rules in Querqy’s ‘Common Rules Rewriter’, in most cases you will not specify field names on the right-hand sides. For example, you would use a synonym rule to say that if the user enters a query ‘personal computer’, Solr should also search for ‘pc’ and Querqy would automatically create field-specific queries like ‘name:pc’, ‘description:pc’, ‘color:pc’ etc. for the right-hand side of the synonym rule.
On the other hand, it is very unlikely that an input term would have matches in all fields that are given in the ‘gqf’/’qf’ parameters. In the example, it is very unlikely that there would be a document having the term ‘pc’ in the ‘color’ field.
You can configure Querqy to check on startup/core reloading/commit (= when opening a searcher) whether the terms on the right-hand side of the rules have matches in the query fields and cache this information. If there is no document matching the right-hand side term in a given field, the field-specific query will not be executed again until Solr opens a new searcher. Caching this information can speed up Querqy considerably, especially if there are many query fields.
Version-independent cache configuration (solrconfig.xml):
<!-- Place a custom cache in the <query> section: -->
<cache name="querqyTermQueryCache"
A preloader for the cache, called when Solr is started up or when
the core is reloaded.
<listener event="firstSearcher" class="querqy.solr.TermQueryCachePreloader">
The fields for which Querqy pre-checks and caches whether the
right-hand side terms match. Normally the same set of fields like
in qf/gqf but you could omit fields that are very quick to query.
<str name="fields">f1 f2</str>
<!-- The name of the configered Querqy QParserPlugin -->
<str name="qParserPlugin">querqy</str>
<!-- The name of the custom cache -->
<str name="cacheName">querqyTermQueryCache</str>
If false, the preloader would not test for matches of the right-hand side
terms but only cache the rewritten (text-analysed) query. This can already
save query time if there are many query fields and if the rewritten query
is very complex. You would normally set this to 'true' to completely avoid
executing non-matching term queries later.
<bool name="testForHits">true</bool>
Same preloader as above but listening to 'newSearcher' events (for example,
commits with openSearcher=true)
<listener event="newSearcher" class="querqy.solr.TermQueryCachePreloader">
<str name="fields">f1 f2</str>
<str name="qParserPlugin">querqy</str>
<str name="cacheName">querqyTermQueryCache</str>
<bool name="testForHits">true</bool>
<queryParser name="querqy" class="...">
<!-- See below for Querqy version specific configuration -->
Please see below for additional configuration for your Querqy version.
Querqy 5
<!-- Tell the Querqy query parser to use the custom cache: -->
<queryParser name="querqy" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyDismaxQParserPlugin">
A reference to the custom cache. It must match the
cache name that you have used in the cache definition.
<str name="">querqyTermQueryCache</str>
If true, the cache will be updated after preloading for terms
from all user queries, including those that were not rewritten.
In most cases this should be set to 'false' in order to make sure
that the information for the right-hand side terms of your rewrite rules
is never evicted from the cache.
<bool name="termQueryCache.update">false</bool>
If you changed the request handler name of the
, you will have to set this name
at the querqy.solr.TermQueryCachePreloader
(line #9):
1<requestHandler name="/some/othername" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyRewriterRequestHandler" />
4 <listener event="newSearcher" class="querqy.solr.TermQueryCachePreloader">
5 <str name="fields">f1 f2</str>
6 <str name="qParserPlugin">querqy</str>
7 <str name="cacheName">querqyTermQueryCache</str>
8 <bool name="testForHits">true</bool>
9 <str name="rewriterRequestHandler">/some/othername</str>
10 </listener>
Querqy 4
<!-- Tell the Querqy query parser to use the custom cache: -->
<queryParser name="querqy" class="querqy.solr.DefaultQuerqyDismaxQParserPlugin">
A reference to the custom cache. It must match the
cache name that you have used in the cache definition.
<str name="">querqyTermQueryCache</str>
If true, the cache will be updated after preloading for terms
from all user queries, including those that were not rewritten.
In most cases this should be set to 'false' in order to make sure
that the information for the right-hand side terms of your rewrite rules
is never evicted from the cache.
<bool name="termQueryCache.update">false</bool>
<lst name="rewriteChain">
<!-- ... -->
The query string parser¶
The query string parser defines how the query string that is passed in request
parameter q
is parsed into Querqy’s internal query object model before
rewriting the query and before turning it into a Lucene query.
It can be set using an element with name parser
in the configuration:[1]
<queryParser name="querqy" class="...">
<str name="parser">querqy.parser.WhiteSpaceQuerqyParser</str>
<!-- ... -->
The parser defines how the input is interpreted. The default parser, the
provides only a very minimal syntax:
Query tokens are delimited by whitespace
Tokens can be prefixed a
(token must not occur in matches) or a+
(token must occur in matches)
This syntax should be sufficient for most use cases, especially for e-commerce
search. Note that this query parser has no option to express field names. You
can configure a querqy.parser.FieldAwareWhiteSpaceQuerqyParser
to allow for
field names. However, this can reduce the applicability of query rewriters
You can implement your own query parser by implementing the
interface. If your query parser needs more
configuration options, you can provide it using a factory:[1]
<queryParser name="querqy" class="...">
<lst name="parser">
<str name="factory">querqy.solr.MyQuerqyParserFactory</str>
<str name="myConfProperty1">value 1</str>
<int name="myConfProperty2">2</int>
<!-- ... -->
The factory must implement querqy.solr.SolrQuerqyParserFactory
. It will
receive the configuration properties (‘myConfProperty1’/’myConfProperty2’) in a
map parsed to its init method. Note that
is called per request implying that
QuerqyParsers are allowed to be stateful.
Changing the name of the rewriter request handler (Querqy 5)¶
The rewriter request handler is normally configured for the path
<requestHandler name="/querqy/rewriter" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyRewriterRequestHandler" />
This means that Querqy manages rewriters under a URL path
and you normally should not need to
change this path. Should you ever have to change it, you will need to change the
attribute of the rewriter:
<requestHandler name="/my/rewriter-path" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyRewriterRequestHandler" />
… point the query parser to it:
1<queryParser name="querqy" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyDismaxQParserPlugin">
2 <str name="rewriterRequestHandler">/my/rewriter-path</str>
… and, if you use term query cache preloading, let the ‘TermQueryCachePreloader’ know about it:
1 <query>
2 <listener event="newSearcher" class="querqy.solr.TermQueryCachePreloader">
3 <!-- ... -->
4 <str name="rewriterRequestHandler">/my/rewriter-path</str>
5 </listener>
6 </query>
Configuring how rewriter definitions are stored in ZooKeeper (Querqy 5)¶
In SolrCloud, rewriter configurations are stored in ZooKeeper under the path
as part of the collection’s config. You can set a
number of Querqy configuration properties to control how rewriters are stored:
1<requestHandler name="/querqy/rewriter" class="querqy.solr.QuerqyRewriterRequestHandler">
2 <str name="zkConfigName">myconfig</str>
3 <str name="zkDataDirectory">__data</str>
4 <int name="zkMaxFileSize">500000</int>
If you want to share rewriter configurations across collections, you can make
rewriter configurations part of a shared Solr configuration that you use to
create multiple collections from it. Set the
property to point to that shared Solr configuration and
rewriter configurations will become part of it. querqy/rewriters
then become a subpath in this shared configuration.
Querqy only stores meta information about rewriters under
and keeps the actual rewriter configuations in a
subpath underneath it. This subpath is named .data
by default.
Unfortunately, this path is not restored when you use Solr’s collection backup
to a file system. You can change that name using Querqy’s zkDataDirectory
property but you need to make sure, it doesn’t start with a .
if you want
to have it restored from your backup. Rewriter configurations will not be moved
automatically when you change the configuration property, so you will have to
save all rewriters again to move them to the new location. Querqy will be able
to handle reading rewriters from locations that were previously saved at a
location other than the location that the current zkDataDirectory
points to.
(Querqy 5.3 and above)
Rewriter configurations will be gzipped for storage in ZK. If the gzipped
configuration still exceeds the maximum ZK file size, it will be split into
multiple chunks. Querqy takes care of this under the hood but it cannot know
ZK’s file size limit. You can let Querqy know about this limit using the
property, which represents the maximum compressed chunk
size in bytes. The default value is 1000000, which fits the default ZooKeeper
size limit. If you change this limit, the new limit will only be applied at the
next time when rewriters are saved.